MC: A 3 Day Fast

Ok some context- so I kinda didn’t plan any challenges for June, so I thought something that would be just as challenging for me, that I could do and get results in a shorter time-frame, would be to do some sort of “fast.”I love food (as most people) and try to practice some quasi-intermittent fasting regularly. I have never really tracked my diet, apart from roughly making sure I hit the right protein levels for my lifting/fitness goals in college, and thought that it may be a good mental and physical challenge for me.I was planning to start with a 24 hour fast and try to work my way up to 72 hours throughout the month…but we all know how plans go! After day 1, I decided I was ⅓ of the way there and it would be MORE of a challenge to just send it when my body didn’t expect it. Lastly, this was an all water fast (apart from black coffee/tea - which the internet said was allowed). I was so so tempted to throw in some gatorade to make up for electrolytes lost due to wanting to keep my normal workout routine - however, due to calories, sugar, and carbs, it was a no-go-amigo.

Here’s how it went.

Day 1:

I started my “24 hour” fast after lunch on Friday at 3pm. Honestly…not too much to say here. I got hungry around 8pm - but it wasn’t terrible. Like a 4/10 hunger. A “Hey you hungry?” “Yeah, I could eat,” kind of hunger. My body is, unfortunately, used to missing a few meals here and there due to overscheduling and poor planning.  (Mostly due to late night climbs and/or soccer in which I would rectify by eating a dish of cereal or a banana w/ peanut butter).

“If it’s not in the calendar, it doesn’t happen!”

However, the most challenging part was trying to fall asleep. I had read that sleeping whilst fasting could be difficult, but I didn’t think it would be this difficult! Maybe it was the novelty, challenge, or excitement - but I found myself restless and tossing and turning the whole night. (I wanted to track my sleep, weight, etc. during the real fast…but alas, day 1 data is not available).

Day 2:

I woke up before my alarm at 6:45am and just kinda lazed around in bed until it rang. I snoozed, even though I was awake (bad habit I am going to work on breaking, I know), did my usual “morning tingz” and went to my favorite local coffee shop, Flat Track. Brennan and I rode the CB’s there for the first time together in a long while. (My bike was having electrical issues, traveling, etc). It felt really good.Got to the shop around 8:30am- got my usual order of a half-drip, and started my morning journal.

*unimportant dialogue that does not pertain to the fast*

Half-drip coffee’s are my favorite. I am very grateful that the folks at FT allow me to do this//know me and my order when I walk in. That is also a good feeling haha and that is why they are my favorite shop in Austin! Anyway- It allows me to enjoy two hot half cups of coffee over an extended period of time, rather than have to drink two cups of coffee (which I try to avoid to manage my caffeine intake) or a cold half cup.* *I originally got this idea from my friend Alex*

*back to the mediocre MC content*

After journaling and writing out my plan for the day, I got into some creative work. (I try to book out Saturday morning’s for built-in “thinking” and “creative/misc.” time. Whatever I feel like doing, or think I need to do, it is a time and space for that

Again, the goal throughout this fast was to stick to my normal routine).And this is where some magic started to happen.Now, I usually skip breakfast, and I know and love the feeling of that first sip of bean juice on an empty stomach. The instant caffeinated kick is blissful. 

However…that combination of lack of sleep, Saturday morning motorcycle, great company, AND caffeine…euphoric. Maybe it was placebo, but I felt the mental equivalent of a racehorse on adderall. The blinders were on, focus was potent, and I was absolutely shredding Notion tickets.

Brennan and I had some quality conversation, did some visualization exercises, and overall - felt great mental clarity.

“Mental clarity,” for me, just feels like having horse blinders on. I found it easy, almost effortless, being present and knowing what matters. Also, it’s strangely relaxing.

Instead of wrangling or incentivizing the monkey to steer the ship, he just steers the ship! And I trust that he is sailing, with wind, towards the intended destination.

At around 1:15pm, I left to meet up with some good friends at ABP (our bouldering gym). I was a little worried about having too much of an intense climb and how that would affect my body/energy levels. I was also a little nervous/curious how I would react in a social setting whilst almost hitting 24hours without food. 

TL;DR - had a grand time with friends, laughed a lot, and climbed pretty well! Again, it felt effortless, and my mind was sharp.

I decided to down 32oz of water and push a little further by hitting a sauna cycle followed by a cold-ish shower after. 

Austin water can only get so cold with 100+ degree heat lol.

Began the ride home around 4:30pm.This is where I started to get the hunger pangs. Some loud grumbles followed by my internal dialogue of “why are you doing this” and “you can still just eat and do the full fast next week!!”But, the decision was made, and the challenge accepted. Luckily, I hopped on a couple of catch-up calls with my friend Evan in NY and Corey who just moved down to Florida! 

Great convo’s that also staved off the hunger.

Perfect timing.

Around 7pm, I did something silly. For the “sake of suffering,” I decided to tag along with my roomates to Canes to pick up dinner. I guess this is my weird way of having retrospective “type 2” fun. I mentally shutdown to control the tummy grumbles…I don’t accurately remember this 10 or so minute time chunk. But I remember walking in and being so overwhelmed, I had to sit down in a booth and keep my head down until they got their orders.

Got home and knew I had to do something, anything, to distract me from the intoxicating fried smell.

So! I busted out the laptop and began outlining this post!

Around 9pm, Curtis put on a show and at 9:30pm I hopped on a creative call with Dominic to chat about some demo’s we’ve been working on.

Post call, chatted with the roomates for a bit, did my nightly routine ending with some reading in bed, and attempted to fall asleep. Alas, another night tossing and turning. It was like that half-awake, half-asleep daze where you still feel you are a little conscious, but your eyes are definitely closed. 

It almost felt like having all that clarity throughout the day, came back to bite me. The repercussions were a chattering mind that I couldn’t shut off.

The mental monkey was loose and unwilling to be tranquil. The worst part was I was physically exhausted! My brain and body were juiced like a freshly squeezed lemon. And there I lay. Under the sheets. Waiting.

I woke up from the dazed state at 3am and pee’d.
And then resumed until the sun rose. 

Day 3:

You know I can’t just chill.

I woke up from my lack of sleep around 6:30am that Sunday to get ready to go play in a Sunday League match! Rish and I got invited to sub for a full-field 90min game, with refs, through a friend we met playing pick-up at UT. Of course we couldn’t turn this down. I was a little nervous to play on an empty stomach, bless Brennan who came to play/drive me home if I passed out.

I wish I could say I performed my best, but we unfortunately lost 4-2. I played a decent amount, but hurt my groin in the second half and sat out until I thought hopping back in the final minutes would change the outcome. It didn’t.

Energy felt ok during the game, but in the second half and post-game - I felt deep pangs in my stomach, My legs became very heavy/crampy. This is when I began experiencing the first bout of numbness/tingles in the hands and face. More on this later.

Also sheeeesh. I underestimated how hot it could get at 8am! Nearing 95 degrees should’ve been both expected and respected.

Got home, quick shower, and then headed north to church and met up with friends Amanda and Grant!

Church coffee…another blessing. 

I think my focus/clarity began to fuzz around this time. The energy expended from a long climb and 90min soccer match on two nights of poor sleep was catching up to me…but I trudged on. After church, I decided to go to another coffee shop to do some writing and personal work prior to a game night with friends!

I wanted to get more caffeine in me to stave off any delicious temptations or cravings that would be at the shindig, but also in hopes that it would boost my energy/focus so that I could be as present as possible with my friends! Brennan tagged along to complete some work-work at the coffee shop. I will admit, without coffee, I think the fast would have been much harder. Mad Respec to those no food/water fasters.

After the shop, I headed to Grant’s house and had a super fun game night with Nader, Nadeen, Amanda, Anna, Audrey, and Brody! It was so lovely to have everyone together again. I really enjoyed it and having that social interaction was good for the soul as well as a good distraction from hunger and clutches of exhaustion. 

This is where I experienced the most numbness and tingles. 

If you have ever done any sort of extensive breathing or Wim Hof exercises, it was a very similar tightness and tingle sensation in the face aswell as some slight numbness in the hands. 

It is definitely scary and feels very abnormal/out of your control. But it’s an experience where as long as you take some deep breaths, you can sort of enjoy it, rather than spiral into hysteria. 

This would come and go in waves, but occurred a lot throughout the game night.

Headed home just in time for Sync-Work Sunday at 8pm…hopped on a bit late and felt absolutely drained. I succumbed to fatigue and I ended up giving host privileges to Mr. Cam Dava and left to lay on the couch.

Everything was catching up to me. It was like I had skated by all the consequences of my actions and as soon as I was about to sneak back into the house, unnoticed, Karma was behind the door, waiting. At this point my hunger level was probably around a 8/10.

I was just hoping to get through the night and make it to 3pm the next day.

I layed, debilitated, until I was able to muster up enough energy to brush my teeth and go to bed. Every action felt like it took monumental effort and mental fortitude. Once I hit my pillow and closed my eyes. I longed for the nothingness to wash over me.

My brain stayed awake. Fighting against the light that was long gone. 

Another frustrating night’s sleep. 

Woke up at 3. Pee’d. 

In retrospect, I should’ve expected this.

Day 4:

The final 8 hours.

I woke up with around 7ish with this weird energy. It was like a blurred focus. 

Imagine if your peripheral vision was super sharp, but when you looked directly at something, it became blurry. This was my energy. 

I was blessed to have a cup of coffee ready for me by my roomates, and went for my morning walk.

On my walk, I felt like I had an awesome and clear birds eye view of…everything. Everything internal and what I was feeling, etc. However, the moment I tried to put a magnifying glass on one of these feelings, it became so fuzzy and unclear. 

I could only see clearly through my peripherals. But navigating anything using just your peripherals is hard. It was a wild experience.

This unfortunately affected my work a bit, but tried to make the most of it by doing what I could. I.e. tasks that demanded low mental effort. 

I had my last meeting at 3pm.

I was waiting and anticipating this moment. 

I did a lot of research and asked some friends on how they break long fasts. 

TL;DR - Small meals, easily digestible, and low carb/sugar.

The worst thing to do whilst “re-feeding” was to overeat garbage. It would ruin any “progress” aswell as shock the stomach.


I made a decent 2-day meal plan to wind me off the fast.

First, a salty bone broth at 3pm. 

Second, a small meal an hour or so later- cucumber, avocado/guac, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Third, another mini meal- a couple of eggs with salmon on top.

Each piece of food felt nourishing and fulfilling. My taste buds were filled with joy. My stomach longed for more.

I was able to sleep a little more soundly. The monkey was semi-satiated and content.

Day 5:

I woke up, and all I could think about was what I was going to eat.

Lunch- Eggs, salmon, and another cucumber/tomato/avocado concoction.

Dinner- Chicken noodle soup and a possible egg or salmon supplementation.

Plans are great. “And the only plan you can count on is your plan not going according to plan.”
The second day, I followed the plan, but over ate everything that was on the list.

Anthony’s Review - A week out.

Alrighty, it is currently Satuday of the following week. Here is a bulleted list of my review and takeaways:

During the Fast:

  • Coffee helped quell hunger qualms a ton

  • Focus/Clarity were at it’s peaks between the 24-48 hour marks

    • I may have pushed my body a little too much, and had too busy of a schedule 

    • I feel like an intentionally light schedule would allow me to maximize focus and clarity for internal, personal, or creative work.

  • Sleep was the biggest hurdle for me. I took it on the chin, days after the fast.

  • Whenever you feel a hunger pang, drink a full bottle of water.

    • Apparently, your stomach doesn’t know the difference between food and water. This trick is helpful for both fasting and not fasting.

Post Fast:

  • I should’ve had a better plan and been more strict with my refeed.

  • Obviously I should have “tracked” my stats more.

  • My stomach felt like it had “reset”

    • I was so much more sensitive to what I put in my body.

    • I never really got “sugar high’s” until after the fast.

    • I used to be able to eat whatever and whenever and not really be affected…I ate a whole Jersey Mike’s sub and felt like I got hit by a truck afterword. 

  • My hunger and cravings were more intense after the fast

    • My body went through a period of shock. My primitive brain wanted me to store up on carbs, sugar, and other fuel in case it wasn’t be able to “hunt or gather” food again.

    • This has been one of the toughest challenges for me post-fast.

    • I have snacked and splurged more, on sweets specifically, than I have in a long time.

    • It has honestly been one of the most eye-opening experiences because I feel like I can better empathize with overeating and food addiction. There was a point this week where I just about ate two sleeves of oreos, ice cream, cake, cheese its, dried banana-peanut butter chocolate mix, figs, granola bars, ON TOP of eating my planned lunch and dinner of salmon, eggs, apples, lettuce wrapped sandwiches, etc. 

    • I have never had such a hard time controlling myself around food. It scares me. Sugar feels like a stronger vice than nicotine. Everytime I have a sweet, I feel an “urge” to have “just one more bite.”

    • It’s embarrassing typing all this out. And honestly I’m very scared I won’t get over it. There were times this week during work where I actually couldn’t focus due to thinking about food.

    • I might follow-up this post with another, or just add an update to the bottom; but yeah. I feel America’s food problem first-hand for the first time. And it scares the shit out of me. (I am not going to get into it here, but this week I have been journaling about other psychological food thoughts such as always wanting to “finish my plate” or being proud of “eating the most” etc. etc. It’s crazy how important food and our relationship with food is in our lives).

In conclusion, I did this fast to push myself into discomfort, to seek clarity and focus, and to grow and learn more about myself. It wasn’t for any dietary goal, so my thoughts don’t reflect that aspect.

Ultimately, I came out on the other side with a new perspective, a more empathetic connection with human nature, and a better understanding of our weird/lovely/complicated relationship with food. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please send me a message at I would love any thoughts or feedback. If you have any ideas for other MC’s, please let me know!




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