
Dang, I feel like I have been uber stuck in some sort of writer’s block. But this block has mutated, become malignant, and spread into all creative aspects of my life. Writing/editing/posting have me in a chokehold amongst a swath of gumption.

I feel that I have been consuming a lot of quality things - i.e. books, music, podcasts, newsletters, blogs - I just haven’t been producing or creating as much. I think that imbalance has been tough to overcome as of recent. I think I just need to get started when I am in a clarity-filled state. But how do I get there? I feel like I am doing all of the “right things?”Hmm…I just need to make sure that I get started. Any step is a step. And then hopefully I can unclog and flow.

I think I also just need to restart, and start with easier things. Such as a book review etc. I think I put a lot of pressure on myself to produce something “excellent.” I need to be more okay with just producing. Take a page out of Dom, Brock, or Rish’s wheelhouse. Get rid of expectations. Just send it more. Don’t get caught up in perfection’s trap. Be more of a doer like you say you want to be. Don’t just talk and write about it on this 30+ page word doc…take ACTION.

I think the next piece I will work on will either be the “7 things I'm proud of,” updating my user manual, trying to create some sort of letter for my substack, and/or my 2021 book review. I think it would be very beneficial for me to write down little blurbs, notes, takeaways, and a rating for myself to look back on.

Gotta focus on what MY takeaways would be - aka keep in mind that this production is for mySELF. What would Anthony want to read? What do you think you would want to read?! Write about that!

Lol, what if I made my inner procrastination dialogues into a blog post? Nah, we’ll keep that here.


MC: Social Media Cleanse | May 2022


J. Anthony Seliskar: A User Manual