My Impossible List

Over the years, I have written down numerous goals and aspirations, all jumbled and disorganized, both in the Notes app on my phone and various notebooks scattered around my current and past lives. Those close to me also know that I try to journal at LEAST every month and brain dump what has been happening and reassess life, rewrite goals, recalibrate, and try to figure out what the heck I am doing with my life.

This is why I have created my own “Impossible List.” A place where I can list out ALL of the things I want to experience and get out of life.

“But Anthony, this seems so personal?! Why are you putting it on the internet!?”

Well, you are exactly right, and that is a great question. By putting this out in the world, I hope that may inspire a reader to take action toward a goal or experience they may be putting off or have yet to pursue. (And also…it selfishly serves as a facet of public accountability for me)

In the words of the great Neil Gaiman:

“The moment that you feel that just possibly you are walking down the street naked…thats the moment you may be starting to get it right.”

I originally got the idea of the Impossible List from a dude named Thomas Frank who runs an awesome page called “College Info Geek.” He is a huge source of inspiration for me and a link to his Impossible List is here! (Which then links off to the awesome dude who started it, Joel Runyon)! (If my list intrigues or inspires you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or visit either of the links above to learn more)!

In Joel’s words:

“The Impossible List is not a bucket list. There’s a difference. Not just in the name, but in the entire concept. Lots of people have a bucket list. They’re static things made up at one point in time that most people don’t end up actually incorporating into their lives and discard when things get tough. The impossible list is different. It’s fluid, updating the status of what’s coming, what’s next, and where you’ve come from. It’s always changing, always updating, and always evolving. The impossible list isn’t just a piece of paper, it’s a commentary to yourself on how you’re living.”

— JR

 I bombed a ResTalk (a ‘Ted Talk,’ but for the Reslife community at OSU), where I talked about the difference between “talking” and “doing.” (Also the importance of “good company,” “failure,” and “saying yes, but not too much…” more on that later)

Current Focus

  • Did I Hear Documentary? Episode 3

  • Consistent Monthly Newsletters

  • Successfully finding some balance in my 4 LB’s.

Last 5 Completed

  • Create and perform a standup routine

  • Create/Post 10 Blog posts

  • Update this website

  • Rebuild a motorcycle

  • Take a long motorcycle trip


  • Graduate from College

    • May 2021 :D

  • Have a profile on wiki/google search profile 

  • Have 1,000,000 dollars in savings 

  • Visit every state in the USA!!!//have proof 

  • Build an awesome family.

  • Read 1000 books (Yeah…Definitely ripped this from Mr. TFrank, however, I really fell in love with this and the quote added in support by Robert Heinlein… It makes me want to continue my efforts in being a specialized generalist and lifelong learner:) You can view my progress on my Goodreads page here!)


  • Bench 225 7 times (Spring 2019)

    • Now do it for 10 (No video, unfortunately, but completed sometime fall 2020)

  • Bench 300 (4/5/21)

    • Bench 315 (have done this TWICE now…unfortunately, no video:/ my lifting partner Matiss is my eyewitness ;) (4/26/21)

    • Bench 320?

  • Squat 405lb

  • Deadlift 365lbs

    • Deadlift 405 (11/21/20)

    • Deadlift 450

  • Join the 1000lb club (Combined Bench-Deadlift-Squat) (MockMeet: 1,085lbs  11/21/20)

    • SBD total of 1500lb  

  • Do a muscle-up

  • Complete a marathon 

  • Complete a triathlon 

  • Complete an Ironman


  • Invest $10,000

    • Invest 20k

    • Invest 30k

  • Own ~real estate~

  • Give (an official) TED talk

  • Start a business 


  • Learn piano 

  • Create a band/play a show (2/10/19ish)

    • Headline at “The Basement” 

  • Write a book

  • Make a piece of art that I can sell

  • Create a photo page

  • Create an album

  • Release a solo album

  • Create and perform a standup routine

    • (First Open Mic: 11/22/23)

  • Go on Tour with a band


  • Become fluent in Spanish 

  • Rebuild a motorcycle  (Video coming soon:)

  • Learn how to ballroom dance 

  • Learn how to tango

  • Learn how to backflip whilst standing 

  • Do a kickflip


(Month Long Challenges)

  • Meditate/Pray every day for a month (MC)(May 2019)

  • Wake up at 5 am (MC)

  • Cold Showers (MC)

  • Run 1 mile a day (MC)

  • Yoga (MC)

  • Journal (MC)

  • Type out a page of Creative material a day (MC)

  • Social Media Cleanse (MC) (May 2022)

  • 72-Hour Fast (MC) (June 2022)


  • Get my Pilots license

  • Skydive  (5/15/21)

  • Scuba in Australia (Great Barrier Reef Summer 2019)

    • Scuba in Indonesia (Summer 2019)

    • Scuba in Africa/somewhere with sharks- maybe a cage dive? Cage Exit?!

  • Climb Mount Everest 

  • Sail across the Atlantic/Pacific 

  • Sail from Cali to Hawaii

  • Catch a swordfish/shark

  • Swim with dolphins (or a whale)

  • Start a Youtube Channel (Summer 2020)

    • Create and post 5 YT videos (11/6/21)

    • Create and post 10 YT videos

  • Create a website (Summer 2020)

    • Update the website to be concurrent with your life

    • Do it again (12/1/21)

      • Officially Published 12/19/21

      • Again (6/18/22)

  • Create and post 5 blog posts (1/21/22)

    • Create and post 10 blog posts (6/18/22)

    • Create and post 20 blog posts

  • Complete a LONG motorcycle trip (500+miles) (Summer 2021:)

    • Blog Post/Video coming soon! (rode ~12k miles!)

  • Ride to Alaska

  • Ride through Europe

  • Ride through Asia

  • Climbing trip to Yosemite

  • Ride in a helicopter and snowboard down

  • Restore an old motorcycle

    • 1975 CB400 Four Super Sport! (Spring 2022)


  • Coachella 

  • Lollapalooza 

  • E3

  • Running of the bulls 

    • Technically, yes…but I want to run in it

  • Minecon

  • SXSW

    • January 2022 (Climate-tech event)

  • ACL (8/14/22) thank you, Mitchell :)

  • Hamilton

  • Arctic Monkeys (9/15/23)

  • The Strokes

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers

  • Manchester Orchestra (3/4/2022) thank you, Brock :)

  • Hovvdy

Travel Goals

  • Brazil

  • Spain (link to pic’s or MJ page)

    • Again- to do “El Camino de Santiago”

  • Indonesia

    • Again

    • Again, but for a month+

  • Singapore 

  • Europe 

  • Mexico

  • Alaska

  • Iceland 

  • Scotland 

  • Argentina 

  • Africa/Madagascar 

  • Australia

    • New Zealand

  • Machu Picchu

  • China

  • Japan

If you, your business, or brand are excited and would like to partner in making the impossible-reality, shoot me an email! :)